45-46 Yhoator Jungle

* Supports 2 parties.

Target mobs:
Primary: Goblins
* Goblin
* Aggro to Sight
* Links by Sight
* Weak against Light

Goblin Bouncer (WAR)
Goblin Hunter (RNG)

Of the two camps suggested, the eastern camp is the "normal" campspot, as while the western one does work, it is very cramped, and you have to be constantly alert for pops where you are fighting.

That being said, the eastern camp is one of my personal favourites. As per any Goblin mob, remember to keep Barfira up, especially since these Goblins seem to blow themselves up more often than usual, although that could just be delusional on my part.


kharvey10 said...

there is another camp at I-7 in that tunnel for a third party

Mark McGovern said...

Camped at Ifrit's Cauldron zone line. Great camp level 45-46. Once one PT member dinged level 47 XP dropped like a rock, though. Nice to XP in a different place for a change!

Anonymous said...

a 42 PLD had little problems tanking here with refresh.

Could come here as early as 42 for melees and 40 for mages.

Joelapache said...


RNGs was ok, nice exp and not that hard.
But we've burned our MP and HP on the WAR. Level 42 is too weak then don't try xD