* White Mage required (for Stona).
* Supports 1 party.

Target mobs:
Primary: Cockatrice
* Cockatrice
* Aggro to Sight
* Not Linking
* Weak against Wind
* Strong against Earth
If you have a White Mage in your party, I personally find the Labyrinth to be a very nice alternate to the more populated areas. Camp in the tunnel which opens up in the east to a room filled with Cockatrice, and just pull from that room. Cockatrice do not link, so pulling is relatively easy.
There is a spawn at the camp itself that you should be mindful of, but a spawn there isn't a very common occurance, and when it happen to my party, we just slept it and continued as normal.
Other than that, Cockatrice Meat sells well on the AH. ^^
beware of Air Elemental that spawns in the H-10 tunnel
get a ninja tank if you can.
Great camp, distortion just pwns these guys. Need a good whm though or it can be tough. I prefer to camp in the middle of the gobs and cockatrice. The elemental camp is just a pain in the ass.
My static camped here last night.
We were PLD, WAR, BLU, THF, RDM and WHM. Our level range was the tank and whm starting at 43 and everyone else 42 and 41. The first couple fights took a while, but we started adding in Gobs for easy kills and good exp.
The cockatrice in the tunnel is on a 16 minute repop timer. take note of the DoT of that mob so you can predict when it will pop next. This will save your party a lot of grief.
Exp rolled in after everyone gained a level.
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