25th July 2009:
* Added "70-75 Beaucedine Glacier [S]" and "70-75 Xarcabard [S]" to potential camp locations.
24th July 2009:
* (Finally) updated the following areas with Fields of Valor:
- Buburimu Peninsula
- Valkurm Dunes
- Qufim Island
- Yuhtunga Jungle
- Behemoth's Dominion
- The Sanctuary of Zi'tah
- Ro'Maeve
- Cape Terrigan
- Valley of Sorrows
* Changed the level range of "27-31 Yuhtunga Jungle" to "29-32 Yuhtunga Jungle."
9th February 2009:
* Added the following Pet solo camps:
- 21-23 Batallia Downs
- 21-23 Sauromugue Champaign
- 23-25 Ranguemont Pass
- 25-27 Lower Delkfutt's Tower
- 26-28 Yhoator Jungle
- 27-29 Bibiki Bay
- 29-31 Attohwa Chasm
- 31-33 Beaucedine Glacier
- 35-37 The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
16th November 2008:
* Added "28-30 West Sarutabaruta [S]" as a potential camp.
1st October 2008:
* Updated "61-65 Bhaflau Thickets" camp information (Added two more campsites.)
16th September 2008:
* (Finally) added "61-65 Bhaflau Thickets" camp information.
30th June 2008:
* Added the Beastmaster pet solo section.
* Added 21-23 Batallia Downs solo camp.
* Added 21-23 Sauromugue Champaign solo camp.
* Added 23-25 Ranguemont Pass solo camp.
* Added 25-27 Lower Delkfutt's Tower solo camp.
* Added 26-28 Yhoator Jungle solo camp.
* Edited Commentarus of "26-30 Yhoator Jungle".
8th June 2008:
* Added "22-24 Rolanberry Fields [S]" camp information.
* Added "73-75 Castle Oztroja [S]" camp information.
11th May 2008:
* Adjusted level of "50-52 Rolanberry Fields [S]" to 50-53.
* Added "51-54 Rolanberry Fields [S]."
6th April 2008:
* Tidied up the front page- camps are now arranged in one big block of "Standard" and "Alternate" camps, instead of by level range.
* Added "50-52 Rolanberry Fields [S]" camp information.
* Removed "67-70 Bhaflau Thickets" camp information.
* Removed "67-70 Wajaom Woodlands" camp information.
* Changed mob pictures of "47-50 Crawler's Nest."
* Edited Commentarus of "47-50 Crawler's Nest."
3rd January 2008:
* Added "72-75 Grauberg [S]" camp information.
* Added "38-41 East Ronfaure [S]" camp information.
25th December 2007:
P.S: Merry Christmas, everybody! ^^
* Added "70-75 Passhow Marshlands [S]" camp information.
4th September 2007:
* Corrected Lamia Idolator mob information in "70-75 Caedarva Mire".
* Adjusted level of "70-75 Bhaflau Thickets (Nyzul Isle)" to 73-75.
* Removed mob picture from "73-75 Bhaflau Thickets (Nyzul Isle)".
* Edited camp capacity of "73-75 Bhaflau Thickets (Nyzul Isle)".
* Edited Commentarus of "73-75 Bhaflau Thickets (Nyzul Isle)".
* Removed forum links from the title page.
24th April 2007:
* Adjusted level of "48-50 Quicksand Caves" to 48-51
* Added "48-51 Quicksand Caves" camp information.
22nd February 2007:
* Added "21-23 Lower Delkfutt's Tower" camp information.
21st February 2007:
* Adjusted level of "72-75 Caedarva Mire" to 67-75.
* Adjusted level of "55-58 Caedarva Mire" to 55-60.
* Moved "55-60 Caedaeva Mire" to "Standard camps listing."
* Moved "60-63 Labyrinth of Onzozo" to "Alternate camps listing."
4th February 2007:
* Corrected Puk mob information for "59-62 Wajaom Woodlands."
* Added mob picture of "59-62 Wajaom Woodlands."
* Changed mob pictures of "19-22 Qufim Island."
3rd February 2007:
* Reorganised camp listing into levels and now into Standard/Alternate camps.
18th January 2007:
* Added "70-75 Mount Zhayolm (Ebony Pudding)" camp information.
* Upgraded to the new version of Blogger.
15th January 2007:
* Added "70-75 Mount Zhayolm (Ebony Puddings)" to listing.
* Added "75 The Garden of Ru Hmet" to listing.
11th January 2007:
* Adjusted level of "12-15 Maze of Shakrami" to 12-14.
* Edited Commentarus of "12-14 Maze of Shakrami".
7th January 2007:
* Adjusted level of "43-46 Yhoator Jungle" to 45-46.
* Added Goblin Hunter picture to "45-46 Yhoator Jungle".
6th January 2007:
* Adjusted level of "40-43 Western Altepa Desert" to 41-44.
* Adjusted level of "44-47 Quicksand Caves" to 45-47.
* Changed mob pictures of "Western Altepa Desert".
* Changed mob pictures of "45-47 Quicksand Caves".
* Edited Commentarus of "45-47 Quicksand Caves".
3rd January 2007:
* Added Update history.
* Removed "42-44 Xarcabard (Demons)".
* Removed "43-45 Lufaise Meadows (Leshachikha)".
* Updated "54-58 Wajaom Woodlands (Lesser Colibri)" with information regarding NM: Zoraal Ja's Pkuucha.
* Adjusted popularity of camps to cater for the ToAU areas.
27th December 2006:
* Added "70-75 Bhaflau Thickets (Nyzul Isle)" to listing.
* Added "70-75 Bhaflau Thickets (Nyzul Isle)" camp information.
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