27-29 Bibiki Bay

* Chains of Promathia required.
* Supports 1 party.

Target mob:
Master: Goblin Pathfinder
Pet: Goblin's Rarab
Pet Level Range: 29-31
Approximate HP: 270-320hp
* Rabbit
* Weak against Water
* Weak against Thunder
* Weak against Darkness

Other aggressive mobs:
* None

Other linking mobs:
* Island Rarab (Sight)

This is one of the better camps for this regions, simply because, barring the Goblin Pathfinder itself, the surrounding area is completely free from aggro, and the Pathfinder is always present.

There is one minor speed bump in an Island Rarab within the vincinity that you need to watch out for, but it's very easy to work around.

Other than that, the other major problem with this spot is that, because it's so good, you are likely to find another soloist there first, so do check the area before heading down yourself.

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